Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dear Baby(ies)....

Dear baby(ies),
    If you ever read this, I would like you to know that I am working my booty off...literally. I have lost 3lbs in the past week! Dr's orders. I don't think I'm terribly fat, maybe just out of shape. But either way, I just want to let you know I am doing this for your parents. They deserve to have you more then anyone else I know right now... We are all working as a team to get you here. Just know that you are super special because there are MANY people working and doing everything for you and nobody has even met you yet! :)

Love always,

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Yes, today is thur. I think it is time for an update! So I had my appointment a while ago. It was fun. The drive was crazy and we were super tired, but the appointment went well! And I met with O and J!! We ended up going to their house to meet them. They were even more awesome in person! Just great people, I love them! Their house is just perfect and ready for some little ones!

The RE said they would be getting our calendar soon, and O gave me news today on the egg donor. We are waiting on her stuff now, I am cleared! YAY! Their egg donor is beautiful and they are so handsome...I am sure their baby(ies) will be gorgeous! It will be nice to pop out MORE cute critters! :) I'm not even pregnant yet and I want to meet their kids! haha... I think it will be fun. I will be kind of like an aunt. I hope they don't mind me shopping for the baby(ies)...especially at the end when you start to feel that "nesting". Plus it would be fun to explain to people "o, they aren't mine!" HAHAHAHA and see their faces! Anyway...

I was doing some research and might want a doula during the pregnancy. The one I have been speaking to was also a surrogate. So that support would be nice. Also, she does placenta encapsulating. Might be interesting, and hopefully will help my milk production!

In unrelated news, Alayna started back in school. She is a big 1st grader now. :) I am sooooo proud of my baby!

That's enough of an update for now, folks! Happy Thursday!

Amanda :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

RE appointment tomorrow...

Ok so, today hubby and I signed contracts and got them over to our good friend "C" at our agency. So that is done and out of the way. Also today I got the rental car that will take my sisster and I out to Foster City tomorrow to visit with our RE. I am getting a hysteroultrasonogram and hopefully our calendar! This is so exciting and I can't believe it is all happening.

I get to meet "O" tomorrow and hopefully "J" if he is able to miss work :) Either way I think it is awesome and I am so excited. It is going to be a long drive, but I have most of my things ready. We have to leave the house by like 5am to make it there on time. I have a 1:30pm appointment. I am able to eat a light breakfast and no lunch! Of course I will abide by their rules, but hopefully it doesn't make me a cranky girl! :)

Anyway, off to bed, I will update when I get back. I need to get some zzzz's for my long journey tomorrow! :)