Ok...So I figure it is TIME to add baby Lucas' birth story! :) And my-my-my, what a great one it is! So we all know my due date was June 20th. Well, baby didn't think so! I felt fine the day before, like nothing. I woke up at about 6am on the 13th feeling weird and kind of cramping. So I took a shower and it didn't go away. I started realizing a pattern, so I started timing. I was laying down in bed. I text the dads letting them know that I was timing and wasn't sure if I would be going into the hospital. Then when I finally realized, ok it's time... we headed to the hospital. My mom kept bugging me to get a wheelchair, but I was fine. I just walked through them. So we get up to triage and I had a contraction while she was checking us in (we were still standing) and it kind of bothered me. But I still was talking to her through it. So then they get me into a bed and the lady checks me. She says "You are 8cm, and you're so calm!". I got a little excited but in an instant it turned into tears. I go pretty fast and just KNEW I would be having him before his parents could be there. So I had a little freak out moment. I said "They aren't going to make it" and I just couldn't stop the tears. Then I dried it up. I text them telling them how far I was already. They were so sweet, they told me not to worry and they knew I would take care of him until they got there.
So, I go into the labor room and start getting my IV, BP monitor and everything set up. I wasn't going to get the epidural, but everything happened so fast I decided maybe it was for the best. So I think it was maybe 20min after my epidural that I started pushing...it all happened so fast! Baby Lucas made his entrance at 11:54am after 4 pushes. It was so weird. The dr placed him on my chest and it was like...when you babysit someone's baby you hold them extra careful and extra tight. I knew I wouldn't have those "mommy feelings" for him, but I didn't know exactly what it would feel like until I saw him for the first time. I was excited and I care for him and I am SOOOO thankful he was ok. I have love for him.. It was a weird feeling...and boy is he a screamer! He was 7lbs8oz 20inches! :) My biggest baby yet!
So they wheeled us off to the recovery room and I was holding him. He stayed pretty quiet when he was wrapped up. They have this sort of "ritual" where in the hallway you go through there is a button. Once you press this button it signifies that someone in the hospital just had a baby, and it plays a lullaby all throughout the hospital. The nurses stopped there and told me to press it. I said "No, I really think the parents should when they get here. That will mean they are a family now" The nurses kept asking me "Are you sure" And I said oh yes, he isn't MY baby! So we moved along. We got into the room and the nurses took the baby and I transferred myself onto the other bed. One of the nurses was pregnant and due in July. She kept telling me "I hope I labor like you". They kept making fun of me because I was texting while in labor. LOL
We weren't in there for too long before the daddies showed up. Right when they walked into the room my eyes started getting all watery. One of them grabbed the baby and the other hugged me :) It felt so good. I started getting super emotional. Because this was what I was waiting for...for them to be together. To be a family. They did really well with him :) It was awesome to watch! It was such an amazing experience. Something I am so thankful to be a part of. I do miss being pregnant, but am enjoying being "empty" for right now. Until I heal. ;)